The Quirky Carrots children’s book (ENG)


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SKU: 9789082953053 Category:


A children’s book for the youngest: marvel, learn to count and let your imagination be stimulated! In English.

With the Quirky Carrots children’s book, children learn the names of different types of fruit and vegetables. The book is an ode to the quirky fruits and unique vegetables. Anyone who has ever worked in the garden knows: Nature does not produce uniformity. They also learn to recognize and name shapes and colours, they can count how many Quirky Carrots there are on a page and it stimulates the imagination: because do you actually see a kiwi or a butterfly?!

The cover is wrapped in a poster, do you see what it is?

The book is designed by Jelle F. Post. The production is in The Netherlands, to ensure good working conditions and a process that is as environmentally friendly as possible.

For the little ones aged 0-4 years! Available in three languages Dutch “toffe peren”, German “Tolle Knolle” and in English “quirky carrots”

Additional information

Weight 0,5 kg