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limited editions

limited editions

Besides the ongoing collections of the Bottle Vase Project, we aim to launch two limited editions each year. Each edition comes in a special box, designed by a different artist. As the editions are limited and hand numbered, they are only available as long as there’s stock and we will not produce them again.

#104 rosita

During the first Covid-19 lock downs in 2020 The Bottle Vase Project reached Andrea Arias in Panama. Being a colourful artist herself she got inspired and started looking near the waters in her hometown, Panama City. As the country doesn’t have waste collection everywhere, many people in rural areas have a habit of dumping trash in rivers, which floats down the rivers into the ocean. Therefor she found an awful lot of bottles. Andrea gave her own twist to the project and created the Pandemic series. She painted and decorated the bottles with her typical Andrea Arias signature. With the sales  she raised funds for a local charity that cleans rivers and beach in innovative ways: Marea Verde Panama.

When Foekje heard about Andrea’s project she was obviously excited and offered to collaborate to raise more money for the good cause. Andrea went back to the beach to collect more trash and together they choose this Rosita. Whilst Foekje copied Rosita in porcelain, Andrea made the packaging for this very special edition.

andrea arias

Andrea Arias is a multidisciplinary creative from Panama City, Panama. She studied interior design at Savannah College of Art And Design and painting at the Pratt Institute in New York. In 2011, she moved back to her hometown where she opened her art atelier. Since, Andrea has been creating and reinventing herself non-stop.

Her artistic expression is characterized by the exploration of textures and materials, dealing with concepts of dualities and contrasts, reflecting the core of the artist’s personality. Andrea invites the spectator to experience and share her emotions, frustrations and internal conversations portrayed on her artwork by trying to awaken a curiosity based on the sense of touch.
Inspiration struck her when she found this special rose-adorned bottle and was inspired to create the artwork for this box.
Visit Andrea’s website or instagram here.

marea verde panama

Marea Verde is a Panamanian non-profit organization established in 2017. They create pilot projects, inspiring civic action to reduce garbage pollution in Panama. Their first project was the installation of the ‘Barrier of Garbage’ (Barrera o Basura) on the Matías Hernández and Tapia River. B.o.B is a floating barrier which traps the trash floating down the river, preventing it from reaching the coast. The trash is then able to be collected. With the help of the funds we raise with this special edition, Marea Verde will launch another litter trap in 2022 to clean the Juan Diaz River.

Learn more at mareaverdepanama.org

#104 Rosita comes in an edition of 60 pieces per colour and is available in Powder, Spring, Salmon and Rose. Each bottle is hand numbered. Price €46. All profits will be donated to Marea Verde in Panama.

#102 & 103

travel minis

#102 & 103 travel minis

2021 – During beach clean-ups around the world Foekje stumbled upon bottles big and small and sometimes even smaller. Travel minis are these little bottles that hold 20 ml of after sun or hand detergent on holidays. But instead of bringing travel mini bottles to her holiday destination, she would always bring some of these minis home. The bottles used for this limited are edition come from Gambia, Morocco, France, Portugal and Thailand.

#102 comes in a warm colours and #103 in cold ones. These sets come in an edition of 200 pieces and the boxes are hand numbered. For this special edition Bodil Jane designed a box, beautifully handmade by craftsmen in Portugal with an eye for detail.

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packaging by bodil jane

The packaging of the minis was illustrated by Bodil Jane. Bodil studied in Rotterdam at Willem de Kooning academy and now works and lives in her hometown Amsterdam again. Her work is often female-focused, featuring characters that are approachable. Viewers even comment that they see themselves in her work, the way you’d recognize an old friend. But for this edition she made a still life of the bits and pieces you often find at shores; a mix of natural and human made objects that have washed up.

In all of her work, Bodil builds a delicate level of detail through ornaments. It’s a characteristic she puts down to her love of collecting. She then layers these details carefully.

#101 robijntje

#101 robijntje

2020 – During a beach clean-up near Bari, Italy, Foekje stumbled upon this little bear. Once his little body was filled with liquid washing detergent or fabric softener and his place was on top of a washing machine. But now he was filled with sea water and washed up ashore. He never told us how he ended up there but we expect it was a long journey.

This bottle comes in an edition of 200 pieces per colour. Each bottle is hand numbered.

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illustration by elzeline kooy

Elzeline Kooy is an illustrator based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Her work is playful and evolves a lot around colour, with an eye for detail. In her work, she often references surrealism and comics. Flora and Fauna also play a big part, as well as architecture, tiling and bizarre swimming pools. She has a small obsession with bricks, basketballs and palmtrees. For special edition #101 Elzeline designed a box with a lively deep sea scene.



2019 – This bottle was the first limited edition. It was made as a relational gift for the construction company Van Wijnen. This edition came in three colours, blue, green and brick (red).

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