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ocean plastic edition

Two new bubble buddies in collaboration with Sea Shepherd and Dr. Bronners! Since the first Bubble Buddy we have made a donation to Sea Shepherd for every buddy sold. Sea Shepherd aims to protects all sea life, big as wales and small as sardines. Ocean plastics have become one of the biggest threats to marine life and Sea Shepherd organizes beach cleanups and has a program to collect ghost nets – big clusters of left or lost fishing nets that drift in the oceans entangle fish, birds and mammals. The new Bubble Buddies are made from this material and have a green colour because of the mix of fishing nets and other marine debris.

Bubble Buddy

Bubble Buddy is a tool that promotes the use of bar soap over the use of the plastic bottles with liquid soap. He can be used as a soap dish that dries a bar of soap quickly but also has a very cool grating shield. The grating shield can be used to make soap flakes that easily dissolve in soap suds for all kinds of cleaning and grooming purposes. No need for plastic soap bottles any longer!

two variations

There’s a dark green variant made of 99% ocean plastic and a light green variant made of 49% ocean plastic and 49% post consumer recycled plastic.

a complete pack to start grating

Ocean Bubble Buddies come in a very special box designed by @rachelsenderw that shows Sea Shepherd at work with the help of Bubble Buddy and includes a lot of information on plastic pollution, the use of soap, Sea Shepherd, GoodtoGive and Foekje Fleur

And because Dr. Bronners is also a sponsor of Sea Shepherd we have added a bar of their multi purpose citrus bar that has endless uses.

all illustrations by Rachel Sender